I know you have been waiting to hear about our potty training experience since the day I announced that we were going to start. Remember? The day I didn't enjoy being a mummy.
It has been 3 weeks and I can say that we are doing fantastically well!
He is a boy and I was told on lots of occasions that boys are lazy, and not referring to their potty skills only by the way. Many people recommended that I waited for him to be 3 to start because all my previous attempts ended rather dramatically and always with a wet sofa.
So after a long mental preparation and with the "Third Birthday" deadline looming, I started feeling the anguish of "The wet sofa, the return"...
We started on a Monday morning. When he woke up and we announced cheerfully: "the day has come! Let's burn the nappies!!" Although he didn't like the idea of burning the nappies, he didn't complain about wearing pants. And that was it! No more nappies apart from at nap time and night time.
Yes we are having some accidents, of course, but after 3 days from starting we were out and about and rarely had to change his pants and trousers. Actually only once it happened. AND he now asks to go to toilet and wakes up with a dry nappy after nap time.
I am so proud of him! The only trouble his "poppey" if you know what I mean...
He refuses to do it anywhere else than in his pants or nappy and I am a little confused and not sure about what I should do...
Just earlier it was the first time he did IT in the potty (because he started it in his trousers and I caught him on time) and when he looked at IT, he looked at me with a distressed expression and said: "Mummy, where is my willy?!" (what is it with men and their willy? Do we go around scratching our boobs and checking they are there all the time?!)
So here went the explanation that he hasn't lost his willy and despite the praises, cheers and the dance with TWO HUGE chocolate buttons he still seemed very unhappy.
Any tips experienced mummies and daddies out there?! I'll send you a chocolate button! I seem to be distributing them like mad at the moment...
The poo always seems to come much later than the wee. My oldest son used to hide in the other room to do his poo as he wanted privacy. Don't worry it could take weeks/months for him to do a poo on the potty. It is kind of unknown to him and weird to have something that leaves your body and you actually see it. It may scare him.
Posted by: naomi richards | Friday, 05 March 2010 at 04:18 PM
Oh I am sorry no advice, but I am sure some one will come along soon.
Posted by: TheMadHouse | Friday, 05 March 2010 at 05:39 PM
My daughter is just potty trained and we only conquered poo in the toilet recently, it took a while to get that right and u think that's fairly normal. Lol at the scratching boobs reference! Btw we have moved mow finally so will dm you and hopefully we can meet up soon x
Posted by: Itsamummyslife | Friday, 05 March 2010 at 07:55 PM
I know Plan B had a similar problem - she might have some ideas for solutions!
Seems quite a few people have had this problem potty training toddlers, I don't think you are alone. People always say that about boys, but I don't think it is true at all. Depends on the child. Good luck with it, you are well on the way! x
Posted by: Emily Vest | Saturday, 06 March 2010 at 06:51 AM
C'est bien qu'Elliott ait ENFIN compris que c'est plus confortable d'etre dans un pantalon que dans une couche souillée !!!
J'espère que pour Victor tu vas lui apprendre tout ça bientôt. Question de ne pas attendre ses 3 ans, car les garçons malgré leur admiration devant leur zigounette, sont capables d'etre propre vers 2 ans !!! Maintenant tu sais comment faire.
Allez courage.
Posted by: Béa | Saturday, 06 March 2010 at 08:52 AM
Thanks Naomi, since then we had one in the potty so fingers crossed :)
Funny Elliott also hides in a corner to do it in his pants :)
Posted by: Perfectly Happy Mum | Saturday, 06 March 2010 at 09:34 AM
Thank you! Seems like we are getting close! :)
Posted by: Perfectly Happy Mum | Saturday, 06 March 2010 at 09:34 AM
YEAH! Can't wait to meet you and your little family! Thanks for the message :) x
Posted by: Perfectly Happy Mum | Saturday, 06 March 2010 at 09:35 AM
Thanks Emily! I will check the links a bit later, but I think you are right, either they are ready or not, depends on the child. Already Victor is showing signs of being interested and that's way earlier than Elliott. Most probably because he feels the excitement and hears the praises when Elliott does it well. So we might be there quicker... :)
Posted by: Perfectly Happy Mum | Saturday, 06 March 2010 at 09:39 AM
Oui ca fait du bien d'economiser les couches :) Victor quant a lui sera surement propre plus tot grace a son frere mais bon on a pas la pression de l'ecole ici donc on est beaucoup plus relax avec l'apprentissage du pot. Ca viendra quand ca viendra :) Mais je sais faire maintenant c'est sur :))
Posted by: Perfectly Happy Mum | Saturday, 06 March 2010 at 09:45 AM
Cubling started with poos in the potty, then went off the whole potty training idea, now we're accident free on the wee front, but she is refusing to poop anywhere other than pants or nappies. And she's a girl. It's a real shame but I'm not pushing it, because when I pushed potty training, it all went pear shaped. Now I'll have a look at the links Emily posted ;)
Posted by: cartside | Sunday, 07 March 2010 at 08:45 PM