No really I SHOULD BE GOING TO BED! It is late everyone is asleep, the house is quiet and I am sitting at my desk, with a little bit of wine (tiny I promise) and I felt like writing. Like this, just randomly writing... Not sure what I should be talking about and to be totally honest with you, the reason I am still up is partly to enjoy the silence in my own home. I don't think I have heard this house this silent since before there was a baby in here.
So what should I talk about?
Here you go something extreeeemmmmllyyy exciting... ready...??... Elliott did his first pee in the toilet just a week ago!!!! Yeah HIGH FIVE! That's what we say and do every time he has a pee in the toilet, so now I can't help myself, you say "pee" I say "high five"... Anyway lets move on...
What happened is that we spent a week with his little girlfriend (his age) who is fully potty trained. The boy went all "hey, wait a minute, are you telling me H is able to pee in the big toilet and I am not?! Wait and see, I will brave this big scary hole, I WILL!".
So back after the holiday, one day at bath time, he came to the bathroom looking really brave. He tried to pull his nappy down, then asked for help and requested to be lifted onto the toilet, which we did in total amazement. Picture the scene, the 2 of us Craig and I, looking at the slow motion action, open mouth... our baby focussing on one goal "I will sit on the toilet, I will sit on the toilet, I will..." Craig lifted him while I was watching moved and tearful, one hand on my mouth to hide my amazement. He sat there for what seem a few minutes and there it was, the long awaited trickle!!!!! We went all "YEAH, HIGH FIVE!!!!!!" and I even did the happy dance, screeching so loudly that the neighbourhoud probably though "what the hell is going on in here?"
So here you go, this boy is potty training himself, just like I like it really. The only problem is that I spent the last 6 months trying to convince him to just sit on the toilet and now I am trying to convince him to get off of it, other people are waiting!!
I am so proud of my little boy, so stay tune for when we try the panties...
Right on that note, I am off to bed!
Well done Elliott my gorgeous boy, we are really proud of you!
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